CSCI 496: Senior Portfolio
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in CyberSecurity (class of 2024)
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The program takes the data given as sets. A set will not have duplicate numbers. Then covers will be provided to be tested against. A group of sets will then be queried against the covers provided. After all sets have been tested output will given in the minimum number of overlaps to find a cover for each cover. The time it took to find each cover and the mean time of all covers found, and if a cover could not be found.
How to compile (if applicable) and run the project.
cd ./project location
make run
make small30
make med30
make large30
make large50
make small100
make small-timings
make medium-timings
make large-timings
Fig 1. Launch Screen.
Fig 2. Building The Program.
Fig 3. Simple Run.
Fig 4 Small30 Data Set.
Fig 5 Small30 Data Set Graph.
Fig 6 Medium30 Data Set.
Fig 7 Medium30 Data Set.
Fig 8 Large30 Data Set.
Fig 9 Large50 Data Set.
Fig 10 Large50 Data Set Graph.
Fig 11 Small100 Data Set.
You can have all the data sets make graphs with changes to the makefile.
For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.